Thursday, October 08, 2009

Nailed Again - Very Busy

Funny thing... I was just talking about this in PCTech last night, early this morning. I mean, about getting nailed and losing time.

Since purchasing the new recording console, I've been very distracted using it. It is really nice having serious audio processing power HARDWARE. Admittedly, I have not used 01x and Logic on the Mac since the AW4416 and Y56K arrived.

In any case, today I have been up 3 times already. Barely enough to take medication and I'm bailing out again. Had plans of course, but scrap that.

Lots of websites to finish and new ones to make. And, a whole album of songs to record. But, it ain't happening today. I shall succumb to the pain of getting nailed and [as usual] I shall see you on the flip side when this is all over.