Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Memorials & Memories

In 1 hour 15 minutes from now [4:01 PM PDT) 15 years ago in 1993, I was struck head-on by a car while driving my motorcycle.

Over the past few years I hadn't given this date much thought. Afterall, it's just another day, right?

Well, now I don't subscribe to that line of thinking. Because I did in fact sustain a brain injury, I had to relearn how to do things, which also opened the door to bigger and better ideas. Including learning how to design better ways to think and find data in your brain. This also includes better methods of living and making better choices. In my experience, it's rather "the lack of" making choices which leads to poor experiences simply because you're making less choices in the same amount of [life] time. In the end, the only way to learn how to make good choices, is to make bad choices, learn from them and next time round, make better choices.

Although my life on August 6, 1993 was really good, my life now is much better. And, had it not been for the fact that I got hit by a car, my choices would probably never got me to where I am today.

So the next time you hear, "It's a shame bad things happen to good people" tell them that is a bunch of rubbish. Getting hit by a car wasn't a bad thing for me. In fact, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
