Sunday, February 08, 2009

MOTIF_XS - A Real Workhorse

While NASAV_studios continues to be under construction, I do have the workstation set up now in dedicated space which has allowed for much more TIME to spend learning the DEPTH of this outstanding, 8_element synthesizer workstation. What's left to do? Actually, alot! In this basic 6x4 feet of space, every detail is crucial to the end result of the project studio. I'm considering a dedicated hard disk recorder which will require another uprising stand through the table, so I am pausing plans.

As you can see, mixing is very much the same as a traditional mixing board, and of course the 8_faders and 8_rotary encoders are tied to all controls including the mixer, making adjustments a breeze. Still, I prefer working with 01X and DAW. However, there are some real advantages to dedicated hardware such as HDD recorders having the ability to mix audio, right onboard during a session without the need to transfer data over to a DAW. In other words, no computer needed.

For those of you who like to see things up close, this is a better shot to get a better perspective of the fader, encoder and transport controls. This synth is extremely intuitive to use, considering what a complicated machine it truly is. I keep learning more stuff every time I turn it on. Sometimes things get a little, "hairy" because of it's complexity. However, the upside to that is, when you want to create some special little detail that is not, "built-in" the XS will accommodate your idea with ease!

NASAV_studios photos and videos will be on the new website.
