Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Headache Production

Never thought way back when in 1993 after sustaining brain injury and spinal injuries that I would be constructing web pages with morbid headaches. Life is amazing to say the least. In any case I will pound out another page today after a hot shower.

The site is coming along nicely. I want to do all my new work using XaraXtremePro, but since I have wet feet, I bailed back into Fireworks to knock out this NDS project. If you care to take a peek it is located at

After the NintendoDS site is done I will begin removing the two chair and table from the RV to install the table and start drilling holes for the needed uprisers and cable routings. NASAV_studios is now planned for late FEB_09 because I won't be connecting my new Mac and LogicPro7 to the Yamaha_01X until then.
